Toga Party, Thursday Night of Fantasy Fest 2008

There is just so. much. rain.

Is body paint waterproof? It's not just rain, it's downpour and flooding. However, Fantasy Fest 2008 rolled on Thursday night. When the downpours came, people crowded under awnings of Duval Street and into bars, still happy. If you spend all year looking forward to Fantasy Fest, and pour all that energy into a fabulous costume, why let a little rain stop you? I only worried for the guy whose toga costume was made entirely of body paint. Yes, he painted his toga right on!

There was a PJ and lingerie party too, but we didn't see many costumes for this one. The toga party is definitely very popular and famous. Plus it's at Sloppy Joe's, one of the most famous Key West bars.

Those two tall tall men whom I remember from last year's Fantasy Fest were out again. They have the best costumes! I was transfixed by the huge black feathered headdresses they wore with their trojan outfits. Wow. They definitely carry the spirit of Fantasy Fest with them.

Speaking of the spirit of Fantasy Fest, what is it with locals? Today my survery continued, "So, all geared up for Fantasy Fest?". "Oh, it just means more work". Yo, idiot, work is money. You were probably crying out for business just a few weeks ago during the off season! Locals are so whiney. I swear, they love to complain. Oh, business is so bad. Oh, I have to work so hard. Which is it?