Friday Night of Fantasy Fest 2008

Less rain, more people.

Now Duval is really blocked off and the costumes are out. People are here for the weekend now, who are, thankfully, younger. Not that there's anything wrong with all ages enjoying the freedom of expression that Fantasy Fest offers. But it's good to have a balance, with all age groups represented.

Tonight was the Pimp 'n Ho party and the Pirate Bash. More pirates out there, but surprisingly few pimps and hos. Well, I think some costumes were ho-ish anyway, but not for the party. And ho-ish is part of the spirit of Fantasy Fest, so it's a good thing.

Costumes were excellent tonight. Raggedy Ann and her Raggedy Andy were awesome. They win hands down for best couple's costumes. Not only were their costumes perfect, but their personalities seemed to match the Raggedy persona. They were so, I don't know, floppy and happy. Kind of like giant dolls on E.

Seemed like the boxing couple also chose their costumes according to personal aura. They were in fabulous shape, maybe they were personal trainers. I just loved their whole look. Good job.

99% of the people out there love having their pictures taken. They worked hard, obviously anyone dressed up at Fantasy Fest has a little exhibitionist in them. So it's fun to dress up and be wierd and have people want to take your picture. From experience, it's a great feeling. Everyone should feel it once in their life.

Too bad those girls in the ivy costumes didn't agree. Girls, enjoy yourselves! Or have a drink or something if you need one. Fantasy Fest is not the place to feel shy or unfriendly. You won't get the full benefit, darlings. This is not a cocktail party!