Saturday Night Of Fantasy Fest 2008

Well, this was the big night, the big parade the big crowds. We actually stood in one place this year rather than strolling up and down, and really, you get to see more costumes that way. We went out around 8, while the big parade was in session. Whew, you gotta plan your moves while the parade is going on. The street is blocked off with metal fences all the way down Duval, to Mel Fisher's and beyond. You just can't cross anywhere! We went a block or two past Mel's, down Whitehead Street, I think. The one with Audubon House. There, the crowds thin out and you see mostly locals who bring lawn chairs and know they won't be bothered by the masses up at that end. The metal barriers are gone and here you can cross. But if you're wearing heels like I was, this is a long trek. Good thing my heels were wedge heels.

In general, high heels last about twenty minutes, then most girls will change into flats. I did that last year, and knew this year to wear wedge heels if I was going to survive the night. 

More Sarah Palins out tonight, but in general not so many political themed costumes. The theme was difficult to dress to: political stuff. Be an elephant or a jackass or Sarah Pahlin? Not sexy or fantasic enough. There was a flo

at in the parade full of Monica Lewinskys and a few Bill Clintons, but not that exciting either. Last year's theme was great: basically Alice in Wonderland. All kinds of crazy tea party costumes and fantastic attire.

Here are few of my favorite Fantasy Fest 2008 costumes. It was another great year, and I still can't wait for next year. I guess that means I'm not yet a local.