Snorkeling at Dry Tortugas

We went snorkeling at Dry Tortugas last week, around the pylons that used to be a dock, and off the beach. It was calm out, maybe just 10 knot wind, but that was enough to stir up the sand around the island and decrease the vis. I'm sure that when the vis is better, or if we had swum around to the moat on the northwest wall where the vis might have been better, it could have been amazing. There were lots of small fish on the old dock pilings and it was beautiful. There was a 25" or so mutton snapper on the furthest out piling, and it wasn't at all afraid of us! It's used to being watched but never shot at or having a hook dangled in front of it. Pretty amazing to see how they learn from their environment and adjust accordingly. Out on the reef, we never could have gotten so close to him. Otherwise he would have been dinner!