Have you heard of Reverse Phone Number Lookup?

Did you know that when you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize there's a way to look up who is trying to call you? It's called Reverse Phone Number Lookup and it's available on the internet. Instead of looking up someone's phone number by name, you're looking up someone's name by their phone number. Take that, crank callers and telemarketers! There are sites that list National Phone Numbers in a database searchable by anyone who needs to attach a name to a phone number.

when I see a phone number on caller ID and I don't know who it is, I usually try an Google the number and see what comes up. Half the time, if it's a business, I can get an answer. But I think with the reverse phone number lookup, you get better results, and more information. Usually you can find out the city and state of the phone number for free. Then if you want the full report you will have to pay something. It's information that's been collected and it has a value so don't expect anything for free. But detectives use this type of service, and anyone who wants to find out about someone. This is a great service for nosy people too!

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