Leather Night at Fantasy Fest

Monday Night of Fantast Fest 2008 could be called Leather Night. There was the Dungeons and Dragons party at 801 Bourbon Street. 801 Bourbon Street is a drag queen gay bar at 801 Duval Street. Their party is on the official Fantasy Fest 2008 website as the only party that night. But that's incorrect. There was also a leather and bondage party at Kelly's Caribbean Bar on Whitehead Street. That party was pretty interesting, even if you didn't pay to go in. The sidewalk in front of the bar had plenty of action!

People in their favorite leather costumes, masks and whips showed up from all over the place, and since this isn't a gay bar, maybe it's the biggest leather-bondage-fetish party during Fantasy Fest. There's also a Leather and Lace party at Club Zu, but don't know anything about it yet.

Leather and bondage people haven' yet realized that it's not the 80's anymore, and those high-waisted thongs aren't really in style any more. But I guess that's what they think is attractive. Then we had the lineup of butts, which a friend called "The Timeline of Butts" since it went from young to more mature, left to right. I'd show you but I don't think I'm allowed to post pictures like that on Blogger.