Fantasy Fest Green Party 2008

Finnegan's Wake had its new annual Green Party last night. If you wear green you get in for free, but it wasn't actually enforced so even white t-shirts passed in with no cover. There were people standing out front, which was cool because you could see their outfits. Inside, people sat at booths and mingled but somehow it seemed more lively out on the street.

The band tried a few times to corral people inside, using a megaphone even! Well, the megaphone was part of their act so why not use it to try and get people inside the bar where they might buy some drinks. We were there for a few hours and heard maybe three songs played. They were on break or something when we arrived, but oy what a long break! Once they started playing again people actually moved out of bar and back outside again!

I'm going to have to say that sitting inside a bar during Fantasy Fest is like going to a movie and spending the whole time in the bathroom because you ran into someone you know in the next stall. Don't you want to see the show? You're missing all action! Why sit in a bar, talking to the same people you see every day, looking at a tv screen or whatever, when there is a festival right outside those doors, with people dressed elaborate costumes, body paint, or nothing at all. The mood on the streets during Fantasy Fest is so much fun, so positive, such a great time. Why would you want to sit in a bar and listen to people blathering on about nothing at all or just talking about themselves?

Anyhoo, there were some awesome costumes. Even if it was a fabulous little green dress, I love the festiveness of people who get into the costume part of Fantasy Fest. There were some girls dressed in green hotpants and tube socks, some sort of green sports theme. Some great ultra Vogue designer dresses with matching shoes, and some silly leprechauns. That was mostly outside the bar, but hey that's part of the Green Party too. Next year maybe go with the tried-and-true Irish band. There certainly isn't any shortage of Irish bands in the world to pick from, right?