Because everybody likes to f*ck with people who get drunk and pass out! (CityRag)
Monkeys don't only fling poo! (Yikers!)
Tori Spelling to do Dancing with the Stars? (ASL)
Marilyn Manson kicks Lindsay while she's down (Hollyscoop)
Hollywood skin & bones diet (PopBytes)
So who's the lucky bitch who gets to room with Paris Hilton in jail? (TheBlemish)
Celine Dion wanted a daughter (TMZ)
The latest Britney Spears vomitting story (TS)
Prince shops (CP)
Bobby Brown scores a girlfriend and probably some coke (POTP)
Emily Scott almost naked in FHM (DerekHail)
Michael Lohan will do anything for publicity (ABH)
Baby Lohan and slut mom (CWS)
Nicole Richie hits a car after leaving Paris' Memorial day party (NinjaDude)
Six days until queen vagina goes to jail (HBW)
Coco loves herself so much she has a magazine dedicated to her fat ass (DListed)
Aretha Franklin calls Jenny (IBBB)
KFed gets a job (AIW)
A 'Fire Elisabeth' from The View petition? (INO)
Sheryl Crow and new baby (Gabsmash)
More pics of Lohan in rehab (EBG)
Britney's thong in a see through dress for you pervs (DSF)