First Time in High Heels

One of my favorite places on Duval Street is the bar seating that faces the street, at Caroline's. Patrons can sit a few feet above the heads of passersby who stroll Duval, looking for action. Caroline's is also across the street from Fat Tuesday, which from what I've observed, trys to attract the younger crowd interested in dancing and drinking. They do their best to perpetuate the Duval party atmosphere. From the perch at Caroline's, my friends and I sip drinks, eat grouper sandwiches, and watch what goes on across the street. For those who care, these raised seats offer the perfect vantage point for cleavage viewing, should the unsuspecting tourist walk by wearing the right kind of shirt. I know, it's wrong. I just thought I'd offer that up.

Fat Tuesday Key West is also one of those bars that offer the right mystique, the correct blend of boozy abandon and hit list of cool pop music (very hard to achieve) that makes underage kids absolutely crave entrance. Perhaps it's the bouncer/doorkids who sport sideways baseball caps and knee-level t-shirts that makes teenagers think they can get in? Perhaps it's that the front of Fat Tuesdays is totally open, transparent, affording a tempting view to all on the outside, of what endless joy and abandon is occurring inside? The hit list of cool pop music pounding out the non-walls and onto the street? Whatever it is, Fat Tuesday seems to attract lots of would-be customers whom they just can't let in.

Take the other night. I was sipping my Club Soda on my perch at Caroline's when a gaggle of girls inched into my peripheral vision from the right. I noticed them right away because something wasn't right about the way they were walking. I mean, at first, out of the corner of my eye, it looked like a tangled herd of broken giraffes stumbling up the sidewalk, inching along with great effort. Their heads bobbed not smoothly or rhythmically, but jarringly, out of sync with anything at all. Their arms swung out at crazy sudden swooping angles, their legs lurching ahead of or lagging behind their bodies, disconnected from the holistic walking process, a frame behind. They moved along as one being, clinging to each other, trying to keep moving forward, helping each other. I swung my head to get a better look at this large creaky machine whose parts were limbs, heads, dresses and yes...the cause of it all... Very. High. Heels.
The girls made it in their high heels to the low wall in front of Hard Rock Cafe, which has sportingly made their wall low, wide and very sittable. Hard Rock Cafe is the next block over from Fat Tuesday, so they were almost there. Perhaps they were resting up for what they knew would be a hurdle much greater than painful high heels: gaining entrance to the bar. They had been eyeing the wall for many paces now, and when they reached it the machine fell apart, breaking into parts which became four girls dressed up for a night on the town. They were immaculate, obviously having taken hours and hours to get ready. I wonder if they bought the Very High Heels or if they borrowed them. As they seem not to have learned yet, the secret to wearing VHH is in the fit.
Anyway, the girls went through varying degrees of trying to soothe their injured feet: one girl was actually rubbing her ankles, another kicked off her VHH the second she sat down. One compromised by letting the shoes dangle off her toes, not allowing them to completely fall off and hit the pavement. They looked like a commercial for sore feet, or whatever treats sore feet...Dr. Scholl's? Flip Flops?
The machine eventually ammassed itself and chugged down the last bit of sidewalk between the Wall of Mercy and Fat Tuesday. Now the fun part! ID Checker guy calls the manager, manager explains why they can't come in, they listen, the machine falters, then breaks apart as each girl has a different idea of what the group should do in response to this offending denial of service. One girl, let's call her the huffy one, stomps off in her VHH down the street. Another, let's call her the one who apparently didn't have enough time to find or else couldn't decide on the right outfit to go with her VHH, since she was wearing a horrid denim skirt and old t-shirt with her very fancy indeed high heels...she just stood there, the victim of indecision and slow thought processes. The third and fourth girls worked tag team on the manager, I guess debating the law, or questioning his ID-reading abilities. They too left, in the direction of Huffy One, but not before making sure Slow-Indecisive Girl was with them. Tag Team couldn't give it up, so they offered some more enlightening points of discussion as they hobbled away in their VHH, puctuating their speech with hand gestures. Which was quite a feat, considering that the hands and arms were completely necessary to the overall functioning of The Machine, making the Very High Heels work and all.
I tried to keep my eye on the girls as they hobbled away in search of a party. I really wanted to know if they ever got in anyplace. I wonder how far they got before they ditched the VHH and went barefoot. I wonder if they just went home and drank Mom and Dad's wine and had a girls' night at home. Did they swear off high heels forever or did they resolve to get some that fit? Well, there is a good chance that at least one of the girls learned something that night: if the shoe hurts, don't wear it. And bless the Hard Rock Cafe and their Wall of Mercy.

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I see you down there

Yeah, snorkeling is cool. When we first moved here, it was great to take a break from our 8-hour fishing days and take a dip in 85 degree water on a hot summer's day. Float and look, paddle and look. I'd stay in forever but some people get spooked by sharks so we get out and leave. Spookiness is catchy.

Now we've discovered spearfishing and there's a purpose to snorkeling. So much better! Actually, boyfriend is the one with the spear, I'm just a looker, a spotter. The catch gene is fully activated same as when he fishes, so now we get to snorkel -ahem, spearfish, for hours and hours. A match made in heaven!

With the new sense of urgency in finding the right fish to shoot, comes a need to see better and learn new skills. Snorkeling for me has been a purely horizontal affair: I float and look, paddle and look (see above). Spearfishing, and even my dinky job of spotting fish, requires a third dimension. I have to think in 3-D now. I have to get to the fish, because after all I want to someday get promoted from spotter to shooter (it would be a self-promotion). I have to dive down, go straight down to the bottom. I have to get down to those silly fish, looking up at me. I still let them know that I see you down there. And I'm coming to get you.

Let me just say right now that I get mad when I can't do something I really yearn to be able to do. I want to dive down to the ocean floor like a mermaid, like a water nymph, like a ... a... fish? I want to enter the third dimension and stop acting like a tourist on a party snorkel boat. Why so hard? one word: breathing and pressure. My first day trying to dive, and I am out of breath by the time I hit bottom and need to jet upwards to the surface to frantically breathe like a dumb tourist. What's up? I run five miles at a clip, I do yoga.

I am mad.

Was I born with miniature lungs? I see the fish down there, Parrot Fish, laughing at me. I see you down there. I want to get to you so bad. I want to do it, so I practice over and over, dozens of dives. I blow the air out on the way down, kick my fins, and ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrrrttttt.

Did you say blow the air out on the way down? boyfriend asks me later that night at home as I tell my story. Immediately I realize that's wrong. I can just tell by his face when he says this. Why am I doing that? What strange habit have I picked up in my past, where diving down means to expel all my precious air right at the start? It's like starting a hike on empty, no breakfast, no snacks, no energy. It's sabotaging yourself.

Next time out, I'll get down there and I'll swim like a mermaid, just wait and see.


I've never relished the idea of neighbors. I mean, I mostly have lived in cities where having a neighbor means noise, irritation, and stolen recycling bins. It means cursory glances in the elevator, muffled hellos in the hallway, and strange cooking smells from downstairs. After all, what do we all have in common except the roof over our head?

Key West is totally different. I love my neighbors, and I love hanging out with them. We have lots in common: we all love to get out on the water, we all love to cook great meals from fresh fish, and we all love Key West. You see, most people choose to live here, if they're not born here. To choose to live here is one thing, and then to shell out the dough to actually move here and live here requires determination and lots of financial finagling, if you're not super rich. Therefore, you can reasonable say that Key West people are committed. Which is why there's a greater chance that neighbors will have something in common.

We live in an apartment that's part of a large house that was split up into four units a few years back. Our unit, and our neighbor's unit, face a canal and there's space to put our boats. That right there increases the probability that we would get along: boats, fishing, spearfishing, snorkeling.

Certainly seems that common interests in fishing, watersports, spearfishing and snorkeling seem to draw people together more solidly than say, common interest in working out at the gym. So far, these are really my only two ways of meeting people. Perhaps people are at the gym for so many different reasons, perhaps it's difficult to connect. Plus, you know strange things are going through people's minds at the gym, thoughts related to body image, competition, hating what you see in the mirror, loving too much what you see in the mirror, who really knows. Too complicated, perhaps, for having a simple conversation, too many unkowns, too many vulnerabilities.


"Yeah" , they chimed in. Stereophonic chastising as I realized my crime: setting myself up on the wrong bicycle in the Friday morning spinning class. I had the misfortune of innocently nabbing the machine reserved by a cranky odd woman who seemed to think I wanted the special silver cycle for myself, at her expense. "I didn't know!" I protested, instinctively raising my arms to cover my head, mocking the group attack the class was launching against me. "Yeah" two people chimed in as the moody woman harangued me, proving they were against this injustice I had leveled against the poor woman. "Sorry! So Sorry! Here you go!" I jumped off the silver cycle, which the woman let me know she had gotten there at 8 am to procure and I had messed it all up.
As I adjusted my rightful older red cycle, and got ready for class, I guess I couldn't really hold it against the moody woman, who perhaps should consider exercising in the afternoon when she's in a better mood. After all, I did steal her bike. What echoed in my ears was the double "Yeah", the schoolyard group bent on proving they were on the right side of the debate, those making sure they were not associated with the loser, the mistaken, the newcomer. "Yeah"???? What was that? So instead of harboring the negativity, I asked the dude on the cycle next to the victimized woman, "Why didn't you say something to me? You watched me... all adjusting my seat...?" And I said it in a self-mocking way, making fun of myself, even mimicking the hand movements of me being all careful and twisting the knobs, and I laughed as I said it. He mumbled something, embarrassed.
But the question remains, why didn't he or the other chimer say anything as they watched me steal the bike? Cowardice, sleepiness, or shyness? But suddenly so brave, awake, unshy when cranky woman bellows at me? Yes, it's the group mentality, sheep following the leader.
But whatever. That's life, and that's definitely people. I will NOT go so far as to say "people suck". But I will say that when you find a gem of a person, someone who's open, honest, and who thinks for him or herself, and doesn't turn into a sheep, then you have found someone that's interesting to talk to and fun to hang out with. Hopefully Key West is full of them, and spinning class is just one of those scenes that brings out the worst in people. We'll see!

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Lindsay Lohan Still Plans on Having 21st Birthday Bas

Although in rehab, Lindsay Lohan still plans on celebrating her 21st birthday at Pure in Las Vegas on July 2.

Svedka Vodka may even still sponsor the bash.

Lindsay’s New York-based lawyer friend Mike Heller, exclusively tells,
“There is a birthday party scheduled that she is contracted to do at Pure. It’s scheduled for July 2. That hasn’t changed. Nothing has been canceled as of now.”
In fact, the deal for Lindsay’s party was inked last December, Heller says.

Heller feels that Lindsay should be able to celebrate her birthday at a nightclub, even though she will just be leaving rehab.

“Just because you’re sober doesn’t mean you can’t go out and have fun. Part of sobriety is that you can go out into normal society and just go out. Who says you can’t move your boot on the dance floor?”

Paris Hilton to Jail While Nicole Richie Skates

Nicole Richie not only has the same DUI charge against her as Paris Hilton, she also is a repeat offender.

Yet Nicole still has a valid license and is driving the street of Hollywood having fender benders. According to TMZ, officials have no idea why the two cases are varying so much.

From TMZ:

"Paris was busted September 7, 2006 -- and around 5 months later, she had already lost her driving privileges and was later arrested for violating her probation for driving on the suspended license. Richie was busted for DUI on December 11, 2006 -- and almost 6 months later, she is not only still driving ... but the California DMV hasn't even begun to take action against her.

TMZ spoke with Deputy District Attorney Ed Greene, a prosecutor assigned to Nicole's DUI case, who admitted, "I am a little surprised too." However, Greene pointed out that until Richie is actually convicted of DUI, the decision to revoke or suspend her license is up to the folks at the California DMV. Greene added, "They generally do it quicker than this."

We contacted the California DMV to try and get some answers, and the rep said: "I have no idea why Nicole still has her license.'"

TGIF Quickies...

Paris Hilton plans on looking her best when she struts her ass into the jail house Monday. She has a hair and makeup team meeting her at her Hollywood Hills home at 9 a.m. Monday.. She may have been putting on her best church girl look for the media but behind closed doors you know the bitch is still getting her party on. Paris' friends reportedly threw a 'going away' party for her a couple nights ago.. Meanwhile, while she serves her sentence she'll temporarily disappear from advertisements for a South Korean sportswear firm.. Britney Spears is just glad they aren't friends anymore...

Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo may just rebound into each other's beds. After Tony Romo supposedly told Carrie Underwood that they needed a break, rumors are flying that he and Simpson may be up to no good..

A doctor has found nodules in Courtney Love's throat and has ordered her to quit smoking. Love says she thinks she will get fat again after she quits the habit..

A-Rod and Wife Spotted in Boston Yesterday

I'm surprised she is holding his hand and not leading him by his ballsack!

Read about it

Star Magazine Alters Photograph of Jennifer Aniston for Cover Story

Star Magazine recently published this cover of Jennifer Aniston.

The cover story is about Jen possibly having a $5M deal on a tell-all about her years with Brad Pitt. Jennifer's publicist has denied the story, saying the allegations are just not true.

Which is probably the case being as the photo Star used for their cover was altered to suggest she was carrying a manuscript. And you know, it's Star Magazine.

Now Radar Online has uncovered the photos of Jennifer Aniston before they were doctored. Read for yourself..

"Seeing is believing, as Star magazine knows. That's why it illustrated its cover story about "Jen's $5 Million Tell-All!" with a shot of Jennifer Aniston carrying what is plainly the manuscript she's allegedly shopping around to publishers about her days with Brad Pitt.

But hang on—maybe Jen's not really writing a book? In which case, maybe Star's cover actually shows something else—say, Aniston attending an auction, holding an art catalog from Los Angeles Modern Auctions? And maybe Star simply airbrushed out the cover of the catalog, along with a pair of sunglasses she was holding, for good measure?

Yeah, that sounds more plausible. Especially coming from the company that brought you Andy Roddick's digitally enhanced pythons.

Asked about the manipulation, an AMI spokesperson said, "Every magazine in this category chooses cover photos that best describe the story."

Original photo:

Blind Item From 'Young, Black & Fabulous'

Natasha at YBF sent me this yummy morsel about a one of Hip Hop's hottest couples.
"My sources are telling me some good ish these days. And I definitely wouldn't be surprised if this tidbit had some truth to it. Word has it a certain songstress has been put on blast and her current beau has chunked the deuce to their somewhat public relationship. And when they are seen looks like nothing but love. They've been kickin' it a couple years and hit up events together every now and then...mainly throwing surprise parties for each other...and rumors spread weekly about their impending nuptials happening in Nevurary. I told y'all a while back the songbird never really ended things with her married ex-boss but supposedly they are still kickin' it on the low. Boss man never liked the homerun loving current beau and there has been constant friction for years.

But now...the current beau has allegedly been slapped in the face with some foolish proof that his main chick and her boss are still an item. After he's been telling everybody an engagement is in the very near future. So after he picked up his face, he ended the relationship very recently. Apparently all pics of his ex-main chick have been removed from his myspace page and word has it he's even trying to get back with his previous ex. Breakups to makeups...gotta love it. Same girl, same story, different day."

Love it? Vote for YBF in the 'Same Girl' Contest! (Link below)

Be sure to vote for YBF
in the R. Kelly "Same Girl" contest RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW for having the best "Same Girl" stories this week.

Four More Days!

Click on the pic to check out more from Gallery of the Absurd!

Celebrity Quote of the Day - Nicky Hilton

"I think she should definitely be punished, but going to jail for a traffic violation is pretty absurd."

-Nicky Hilton regarding her sister, Paris Hilton's, jail sentence

Chris Sligh and Gossip Blog 'ONTD' Don't Like Each Other

There's a spat going on over at the gossip blog ONTD, and American Idol's Chris Sligh is the focal point.

As the story goes, Chris was 'bragging' to people online about how many hits his blog gets and so someone over at ONTD commented by saying that it's probably ONTD sending the traffic by mocking him.

Well, Chris didn't take that so well and responded with this on TWOP..

"Well, thanks for the hits, Mandee. Though I do have to point out that most days there isn't a Chris Sligh post, so I doubt that's absolutely true. I check it daily, believe me, I know. Also, I can tell where traffic is coming from, and though there are a few hits per day, the majority of hits do not come from that. Granted, people might actually learn the address and skip ontd altogether. But I have a feeling people actually find the site enjoyable. Maybe I'm delusional.

I'm glad you're proud of ontd...they're great, if greatness is equated with sitting on the sidelines critiquing people more famous than them. But hey I guess somebody has to do it. They're great at what they do,

By the way, what is the average age of the editors of ontd? Just wondering for my own satisfaction.

Very soon, as you guys have pointed out, I'll no longer be a celebrity and there'll be no need for posting about me.

Until then,
Peace and love,
Chris "