Some people are saying that they can't believe the sentence she has been given. WTF? I don't understand this at all. Just because the bitch didn't hit and injure or kill someone she should get off easy? Coming from a family who lost someone due to drinking and driving I can tell you she deserves this easy punishment, and she should sit in jail for 45 days and think about why she is there. I am personally offended that this stupid rich bitch really feels that she is beyond the law.
Some kiss ass named Joshua started the petition and Paris took it and ran with it. She is asking friends on her MySpace page to please sign it.
From her MySpace word for word...
"My friend Joshua started this petition, please help and sihn it. i LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!"
To sign the FREE PARIS HILTON petition to
Governor Schwarzenegger that I have created...
please go here:
I urge all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice to sign this petition."
What do you say we have a little fun with this petition? I am going to. Sure, I'll sign it, Paris, but it won't be in favor of your dumb ass being pardoned.
I hope the bitch gets what she deserves. Sign the petition Smackaholics, and tell the stupid twat what we think of her!
(See the entire petition and Spicy's response in the comments of this post.)