Jessica Alba Wants You to Get Past Her 'Hotness'

It's hard being beautiful.

At least that's what Jessica Alba thinks. Alba says she is tired of being appreciated only for her looks, and she thinks it's time she is taken seriously as an actress.

"I hope all my new work will help producers in getting past my hotness."

If this sounds familiar it's because Jessica Biel also said virtually the same thing recently.

Alba goes on to say she is shy and does not like to attract attention. "I try not to make the headlines. I'm self-conscious about this. I try to not make my presence known.

"I have my own fashion style and do not try to fit in. I don't have my breasts under my chin, I'm not showing butt cheeks, nor much legs. I don't go for the trendiest look."

But she will show nearly everything in next month's GQ. Go figure.

More from the Jessica Alba GQ photoshoot