Lion Tries to Eat a Pangolin but Fails

When you're a hungry lion, most animals probably seem like a good bet at snack time.

But this lion certainly bit off more than it could chew when it pounced on a pangolin.

British wildlife guide Mark Sheridan-Johnson captured on film this inquisitive big cat which spent a long time trying to devour the odd looking creature in the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania.

The rare, armour plated pangolin had the perfect defence tactic:roll up into a ball and stay there - whatever happens.

This looks like a tasty morsel...hmm, it's a bit crunchy...the lion begins its attempt to feast on the pangolin

Maybe if I use my claws I can get the shell this thing is tough...nope, maybe it's time to try a different tactic

Hello, is there anyone in there? OK, this is your last chance..come out with your hands up or, or...I'll just have to leave you alone and find something else to gnaw on

Oh I give up! That's never happened to me before...I'm off to find something soft to eat