The Christmas Distraction

The one thing that is certain about Christmas is that it is a combination of many rituals and continues to be reinvented by its participants


Hollywood's Christmas history is one of greed and avarice. The main character is brought to other dimensions by spiritual beings to experience the true meaning of life. However the true meaning of life is directly related to financial status and the character's lesson is based upon the acquisition and distribution of wealth.Scrooge's Awakening The concept of materialism as both an end and a means is enhanced by the conclusion of the story.

Its a Wonderful Life



The shaman would collect the mushrooms in a bag and deliver them to families, who would then often hang them in socks around the fireplace to dry – the mushrooms would be ready to share their revelatory gifts in the morning of the solstice.

Amanita Muscaria grows only beneath a Christmas tree (coniferous/pine tree) in a symbiotic, non-parasitic relationship with the roots of the tree. (6) It used to be thought to be the fruit of the tree.


Christmas for me is about the celebration of spirit...realizing that there is more to yourself than just the physical world...this can be achieved many ways: through prayer or meditation... by spending time with people you love, by using drugs and alcohol... or my personal favorite all of the above ! The one thing that is certain about Christmas is that it is a combination of many rituals and continues to be reinvented by its participants

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