The 10 Greatest NCAA Tournament Buzzer Beaters Of All Time

#10 Richard Hamilton Freezes The Huskies (1998 UCONN Vs. Washington) - And Washington fans were so depressed that they didn't do any hiking or outdoor activities for a week.

#9 Georgia Tech's James Forrest Stings USC (1992 Georgia Tech Vs. USC) - This loss stayed with USC basketball fans for... wait, what am I talking about? USC fans don't care about baskteball.

#8 Korie Lucious Sends Michigan State To The Sweet 16 (2010 Maryland Vs. Michigan State) - That'll teach the Maryland band to stop playing that damn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song!

#7 Danny Ainge Lays The Mormon Smackdown On BYU (1981 BYU Vs. Notre Dame) - And this tragically led to the "Sacred Underwear Burning" incident of 1981.

#6 Tate George "Tate's Down" Clemson (1990 UCONN Vs. Clemson) - I don't know why, but this shot makes me want to eat three bags of delicious tater tots.

#5 Bryce Drew's "Shot Heard Round Valpo" (1998 Valporaiso Vs. Ole Miss) - The shot was so good that it actually made a few NBA franchises believe Bryce Drew was an NBA player.

#4 Tyus Edney Goes 94 Ft. In 4.8 Seconds (1995 UCLA Vs. Missouri) - Can you imagine how happy Gary Coleman and Emmanuel Lewis must've been that day?

#3 U.S. Reed's Half Court Miracle (1981 Louisville Vs. Arkansas) - I tried to find out what the "U.S." stands for and couldn't find anything. I guess it stands for "unbelievable shot."

#2 Lorenzo Charles Slams Phi Slama Jama (1983 NC State Vs. Houston) - It was Hakeem The Dream's worst nightmare.

#1 Christian Laettner Hits "The Shot" (1992 Duke Vs. Kentucky) - Everybody remembers where they were when this shot happened. I was 13-years old and trying to get some stranger to buy me and my friend some beer at a bowling alley bar.