The 10 Funniest Public Access Prank Calls Of All Time

I truly feel sorry for the kids of today because they missed out on the golden age of prank calling. Thanks to cell phones and caller ID it's extremely difficult for them to anonymously order 40 pizzas to their sworn enemies house and prank call their local Walmart on a Friday night without getting caught. It's also impossible for them to prank call their friends hot mom on a lonely Saturday night and talk dirty to her and that is a tragedy.

#10 Public Access Psychic Gets Mercilessly Pranked - And the amazing thing is he couldn't foresee these prank calls coming.

#9 Public Access Caller Has A Few Things To Say - The best part about making weird noises to somebody is that there's no comeback whatsoever.

#8 T-Dawg Has Bible Confusion - One positive qulaity about religious fantatics is that they've always been extremely gullible.

#7 Public Access Host Can't Hang Up On Prank Caller - And this is why public access television hosts should never wear red.

#6 The Fresh Prince Of Prank Calls - You know that somewhere out there, Alfonso Ribeiro is watching this and doing the Carlton dance.

#5 Public Access Caller In Search Of A Date - And hence the phrase "jacking off at the mouth" is born.

#4 Gorgeous George Takes On Prank Callers - Why is it that every man who nicknames himself "Gorgeous" is ugly as hell?

#3 Let's Paint, Exercise, Make Blended Drinks And Get Pranked - It's true what they say... ugly bald men while slow and a dangerous behind the wheel of a car can still serve a purpose

#2 Public Access Callers Muder O.J. Simpson - Karma sure can be a nasty little b*tch sometimes, can't she O.J.?

#1 Ken Gets Public Access Spanked - There are some moments in life that people can never fully recover from, and this is one of them.