Key West Fishing at 30 Knots

March is for die-hard Key West fishing fans only. This March it's blown average of 20 knots most weeks, making huge rolling waves out there on the reef. Beyond the reef, well you're taking your life in your own hands if you go out there in a fishing boat.
Luckily, there is one type of Key West fishing that's possible on any day, no matter what the weather has thrown our way. It's on White Street Pier.
Now if you're used to fishing in a boat and in deeper water, this is going to be a big disappointment for you. But for people on vacation or fishing addicts who just have to fish but can't take the skiff out in 25 knots, we have White Street Pier. You can see here how horrible the Key West weather is on this particular day in late March:
The sky is gray and the water is brown from days of high winds from the south. But these folks have figured out that none of this matters to the fish below White Street Pier.