Key West Barracuda Fishing

Key West Barracuda Fishing

Key West barracuda fishing is, believe it or not, quite popular and exciting. Although most Key Westers don't eat barracuda, they are considered a pretty good fighting fish, and they make the best bait if you're going to go shark fishing later. For first-timers to Key West game fishing, hooking a barracuda is going to be the hilight of the day. Key West barracuda fishing is fast and easy, since there are so many of them in the waters around this island. They can be found in shallow water, on the reef, and in deeper water just beyond the reef. They can get quite large, like five or six feet long, too. And they are strong fighters! Once reeled in, you will see that their teeth are very impressive- large, plentiful, and sharp! Makes a great picture to impress the folks back home.

Barracudas have a reputation that is not quite warranted. Most people, when they hear that you have been Key West barracuda fishing, will have some sort of danger alert pop up in their minds. They will be concerned that perhaps you were in danger while on vacation in Key West. And if you go snorkeling you will almost definitely see barracuda. Folks back home will be shocked! That's because most people know about barracuda only from some exaggerated notion from a movie.

Let's set the record straight. Barracudas don't attack people. They attack the fish that people catch, whether it be on hook and like fishing or spearfishing. But barracuda are afraid of people. They lurk around boats and try to steal hooked fish, but they aren't waiting to ambush actual people!

Barracuda also hang out on the coral reef, which is why Key West reef fishing is sort of popular. Some captains will incorporate barracuda fishing into the first part of a day of fishing, as a way of catching bait. They make great bait because barracuda is a very bloody fish and they are easy to find and catch. Ask you captain about it, try it and you'll see why barracuda fishing in Key West is so much fun!
