Manatees in Key West

Well, with cooler water coming in we get the manatees in our canal looking for warmth. They feed on the mangroves just across the way from our dock and they like to get fresh water when we flush the engine on our boat. These behemoths glide up and roll over under the effluent of water and drink it up. I want so badly to feed them a stick of celery but I know I shouldn't. They shouldn't associate people and especially boats with anything that's good. That will make them fearless around props when they're near boats. Scars are visible on the manatees' backs from the props of boats. Look closer and you'll also see barnacles and what looks like moss or lichens.

They're so big, naturally people used to eat them. Manatees are also slow, friendly and fat. I'm guessing they must have been easy pickens for hungry pirates and settlers in Key West.

They come in packs usually, and sometimes seem to send out a scout in front to zip up the canal and see what's up there. This guy was alone but his pack was certainly nearby.