Awesome Optical Illusions !


MIENFOKS presents random gems found somewhere on the internet and brought here for your mocking pleasure. Look closely as some of the humor is subtle

You Know Times Are Getting Tough When ...

From JALOPNIK spot a Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe($500,000) in front of you in the McDonald's drive-through. Also, the driver's ordering from the value meal menu. Oh, and it's not Britney Spears behind the wheel. And no, they didn't "super size" it.

Do You Need a DNA Test ?

Thanksgiving Eve - Macy's Balloon Inflation Party !

From the Gothamist
Last night, thousands of New Yorkers flocked to the Upper West Side to see balloons get inflated for today's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Here are just some photographs of the pre-parade excitement--where else do you see Smurf, Pikachu and Kermit appear in front of your eyes?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING - Tiki - Turkey Style !!!


As if you needed more proof that Supermodels are actually clones or space aliens, just take a look at Karolina Kurkova's belly button, or lack thereof. That's right, Karolina Kurkova has no belly button. It's not an "innie" or an "outie." It's simply not there. And while this isn't actually a new condition, it did come to light once again after these Victoria's Secret bikini pictures were taken on the beach without any airbrushing afterwards. According to Page Six, magazines will Photoshop a stock belly button onto the Supermodel's navel when publishing bikini pictures of her.

"Karolina's body is amazing, but her belly button is unusual," says a catalog source. "It disappears in photos, so we keep a collection of belly button shots in different positions, and Photoshop them onto her whenever she's doing a bikini picture."

So what's the moral of the story? A) Supermodels are clones or possibly space aliens. 2) I'll use any excuse to post pictures of Supermodels in bikinis.

but... Cameltoe never lies!