Ty Pennington Talks About His DUI Charge

Ty Pennington, the host of the life changing "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," was charged with two misdemeanor DUI counts after he was arrested the morning of May 5.

His blood alcohol content was .14 when he was stopped.

Pennington spoke with Entertainment Tonight recently about the incident and how it has affected his life. Paris Hilton, take note.

"I made a really bad error in judgment. It made me realize how important every decision you make in your life is because it affects everyone, not just yourself."

"I realized if you make a mistake, I think you ought to step up and admit that you did. I'm just that kind of a person. If you do something that you know you shouldn't have, stand up and accept it."

"It could jeopardize everything, including my job, which to me, is the greatest job in the world," he says. "I would never want to jeopardize that. I get to do something that a lot of people never get to do in their lifetime and actually get to make a difference in people's lives."

When asked what he could or would have done differently that day Ty said, "Probably
take a cab. But if we could hit rewind in our life, I think we would do a bunch of things differently. But you can't do that. All you can do is accept what's happened and learn from it."

Pennington faces up to six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine if convicted. His arraignment is scheduled for June 4.


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