Paris Hilton Goes to Church, Attempts to Become a Class Act

They're saying that Paris Hilton is "living like a nun" in order to avoid prison.

Paris' lawyers have reportedly told her to clean up her act in order to possibly get out of part of her jail sentence.

Paris has been seen dressing classier, and there have been no reports of nipple or crotch flashing.

Apparently Paris has told friends that she is not going to drink a drop of alcohol and that won't be hitting the clubs like she is usually known for.

Paris even went to church Sunday, in her Sunday best.

A friend of Paris' told Britain's The Sun newspaper, "Paris' attorneys have insisted she live like a nun. She has been strictly advised to stop acting like a Hollywood brat and appear more humble as they battle to keep her out of jail.

"They have ordered her to show a judge she has some humility and social responsibility if she is going to have her sentence reduced on appeal. That means no booze, no parading round in skimpy outfits, no partying. She's got to stick with her family and take on a healthier regime."

Paris is scheduled to begin her sentence on June 5.

In other entertaining Paris Hilton news, rumor has it that Paris is learning self defense techniques so she can defend herself in the prison if need be. But I am doubting that a couple weeks of training would hardly do her any good against the hardened broads in there.

