OJ Simpson Asked to Leave Steakhouse

Jeff Ruby, the owner of high-end steakhouse in Louisville, KY, said he used to be an OJ Simpson fan.

That was until OJ Simpson was accused of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman in 1994.

In fact, there used to be a photograph of Ruby and Simpson on the wall, among many other celebritiy photos which adorn the walls of the restaurant. Ruby took the photo down after the killings.

So when OJ Simpson himself walked into Jeff Ruby's steakhouse to dine the night before the Kentucky Derby, Ruby asked the one time football legend to please leave his restaurant.

According to Ruby, Simpson and about a dozen friends were seated in the back of the restaurant when a customer approached Ruby and was 'giddy' after seeing Simpson in the steakhouse.

That made Ruby sick to his stomach.

“I didn’t want that experience in my restaurant.” Ruby said.

He said he went to Simpson’s table and said, “I’m not serving you.” Ruby said when Simpson didn’t respond, he repeated himself and left the room.

“I didn’t want to serve him because of my convictions of what he’s done to those families. The way he continues to torture the lives of those families - with his behavior, attitude and conduct."

Simpson soon came up to Ruby and said he understood and that he and his party would leave the premises.

“It was the first time since 1994 he has ever shown any class,” Ruby said. “He showed it that night in the restaurant” by leaving quietly.

Ruby said after Simpson left, people in the restaurant started applauding him. Ruby says he has received a lot of support regarding his decision
