Physics and Astronomy in 1978 at Georgia State University

Buck Clonts with the Electron Spin Resonance apparatus, 5th floor Kell Hall.

Dick Miller with telescope.

Rod Nave with microwave spectrometer.

Martin Meder with nuclear instrumentation.

Martin Meder explaining Feynman diagrams.

Steve Manson presenting the Born Approximation

Connie Gill with Electron Spin Resonance apparatus

Graduate student with nuclear instrumentation.

Phil Outlaw with X-ray unit. The X-ray machine is shown with the precession camera mounted. Precession photographs confirmed that we had a single crystal and allowed us to allign crystals of organic solids with respect to their crystallographic planes. This machine was also used to irradiate those crystals with X-rays so that we could study radiation damage using ESR.

Shown above right is a precession photograph that shows evidence of a single crystal that is very nearly aligned. The X-ray exposure dots reveal the symmetry of the crystal and can be used to get relative measurements of the crystal lattice spacing.

Dan Witt, Shop Manager and Machinist, in the Physics and Astronomy Shop. Graduate Student Kerry Pullen at bandsaw at left.