The World Of Reinaldo Garcia

I've been meaning to post an article about Reinaldo Garcia for some time now but It took me quite a while, as I don't really know how to describe him. Garcia wears many hats - screenwriter, playwright, composer and journalist. It would appear that he is an unsigned musician and songwriter, selling his CDs and literary works through his website and offering for free, full downloads of selected songs.

The musicianship and production are quite well done - sometimes soft, sometimes jazzy and contemporary and sometimes a bit of classic rock with some really cool guitar riffs. But it's his lyrics that pull you into his world. Often I had to stop his songs, go back, thinking to myself, "did he just say that?". His CDs have cover art that is intriguing and seemingly autobiographical. With song titles like Raised By Women, That Lonely Military Wife, A Night of Serious Drinking and That Bitch Is Doggin' Me... how could you go wrong!

Reinaldo Garcia brings a unique perspective to our world.

So, my long intro over, here's a couple songs I really like. Also, check out his website for more songs and in-depth interviews about each CD with the man himself.

This is my personal favorite from the CD The Bright Twist Of My Soul
That Bitch Is Doggin' Me
From his newest CD Everything Beautiful Must Be Broken
I Fall in Love (A Hundred Times a Day)