Put Cameras on a Peregrine Falcon and a Goshawk. Prepare to be Amazed

These are two of the fastest maneuvering birds in the world. Rarely do we get to see them in action, at least to this extent. But, some have decided to take it a step further by attaching cameras on the back of these magnificent creatures. And what was captured on camera for the first time ever, was proof once again, that nature in it’s glory is a sight to behold.
With maneuvers that would make the Blue Angles envious, these animals fly through the air with grace and confidence.

Speeds of nearly 200mph, dives and turns that produce 10Gs+, maneuvering through dense forests at high speed only inches from the ground, and only a fraction of a second from impact.

Sound like a Hollywood chase scene? Although, it has become the inspiration for many scenes in Hollywood, unlike Hollywood, this is real. These are the abilities of two of the fastest maneuvering birds in the world, and two of the most fierce birds of prey: the Peregrine Falcon and the Goshawk.

The fastest one has ever been clocked is 242 MPH. During flight, the change in direction from a 150 mph dive, then to a sudden lift, would make a human lose consciousness, and that’s only at it’s playful speed of 150 mph!

They can dive at unfathomable speeds, and suddenly lift only inches from the ground. Witnessing it in person, you would describe these amazing dives as a bullet. Like an aircraft designer’s dream, once their wings tuck, they become an aeronautical phenomenon.

The split-second maneuvering of the Goshawk during flight is reminiscent of the Speeders in Star Wars. However, maneuvering through the dense forests as these birds do, is something that no computer or human invention has been able to duplicate fully. Their precision and accuracy is flawless.

The split-second turns. The speed. It almost makes you dizzy to watch, even in slow motion. How do they do it?

To watch them in flight puts me at a loss for words to be able to fully describe what I am seeing. Other than a physicist, there is no way to emphasize or grasp what’s involved, or how it is possible. You just have to watch for yourself to be able to appreciate it. And even then, you are still left to wonder.