Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods

By Linda Star Wolf and Ruby Falconer
Bear and Company

If you’re looking for an astrology book that tells you if this is your month to fall in love or what day to play the lotto, then you should skip this review and skim to the back pages of Cosmo. However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide on seeking aid from Egyptian gods, all while understanding how the elements of your sign can be used to make you a more spiritual being, then Shamanic Egyptian Astrology is a must-have for your personal library. As a Leo, are you like the jackal-headed god Anubis who’s greatly misunderstood by others, or does the Scorpio in you channel the cat goddess Bast, all thanks to your fiery temper? Rather than exploring the too common traits about the signs, the authors pair them with their Egyptian counterpart, showing us how our matched characteristics can be used to clarify our purpose in life.

While some horoscope books expect readers to browse countless pages about how they’re destined to be something they’re not, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology provides examples on how the formation of planets, coinciding with Egyptian mythology, points at one’s strengths and weaknesses. Wolf and Falconer studied President Barack Obama’s birth chart, revealing why he has the makings of a leader. “Anubis the Shaman King and Ptah both emanate strongly in Barack Obama’s birth chart,” they reveal. “Together, these two principles describe the road Barack walks in his lifetime, that of embracing his true divinity and stepping into his role as visionary co-creator with others who also embrace their divinity. Partnership with like-minded individuals who share his vision is necessary for the embodiment of his Soul Purpose.” In other words, Obama can only flourish if he surrounds himself with others who’re also ready to express their ideas and take command when necessary. In the case of Ms. Magazine founder Gloria Steinem, Bast is found in her chart, which explains how this inspirational writer can be both the Playboy bunny and powerful advocate for women’s rights. Fortunately, the focus of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology isn’t on celebrities, but rather how we can rediscover ourselves.

The major perks of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology are the personalized rituals and quick invocations that Wolf and Falconer provide for each sign to channel with the appropriate gods and goddesses that can better guide us in our spiritual journey. “Saying the invocation or practicing the ritual, or both, for that neteru will activate something within you that needs to come forth,” they explain. No extravagant altars are necessary to meet Ma’at, The Spinx, or Ptah. The writers discuss how merely embracing the warmth of the sun, taking deep breaths, or lighting candles can help you communicate with the ancients.

The daily horoscope provided by Madame X in our newspaper has us thinking twice before we wear red on a Friday or call an angry beau to apologize on the first week of June, but they aren’t enough to show us a better understanding of our role in this universe. Shamanic Egyptian Astrology provides us the tools we need to befriend the gods and goddesses, ask for their aid, and discover how our traits can be used to better ourselves. Both a guide for the advanced student and beginner, Wolf and Falconer’s teachings are grossly underrated and deserve a standing ovation just for its intensive research alone. We can walk like an Egyptian rather than feeling very superstitious.

Review by Stephanie Nolasco