We would like to thank the individuals who donated to the campaign. As a community-driven blog, your generosity is what sustains us.
Olupero Aiyenimelo | Bonnie Anderson | Margaret Barney | Laura Davis | Karen E. Duda | Viannah Duncan | Laura Fernandez | Kristina Grob | Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch | Anna Hamling | MC Hartley | Ellen Keim | Michelle Madison | Su Lin Mangan | Kelly Moritz | Payal Patel | Elizabeth Pickett | Annette Przygoda | Taylor Rhodes | Kittye Delle Robbins-Herring | Emily Seibert | Eliza Silverman | Matsya Siosal | Barbara Smith | Brianna Stallings | Gita Tewari | Mandy Van Deven | Cat Veit | Linda Willis | Jennifer M. Wilson | Anonymous (29)
We would also like to thank our media & business supporters who helped publicize the campaign:
Adventures in Menstruating | The Angry Indian | Autostraddle | BUST | Color Online | Femagination | Feminist Agenda | Feminist Blogs | Femonomics | Gender Across Borders | Hair Accessories Store | Hermana Resist | Mommy vs. The Monsters | The Unexpected Twists and Turns | VivirLatino | Women's Glib
We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to further develop Feminist Review and continue to put our passions into publishing high quality content.
In community,
The FR Crew