Aimee was more than brash about the incident stating that would show her how to really 'do it', (slit her wrists). Not that we would expect anything else from her. All she does every episode is bitch and moan about everyone behind their backs.
Jodie convinced Zara to stay in the house and things moved on.
Kerry, the rat bitch country singer, and Jodie used to be great friends..until Deann moved in. Now Jodie is feeling like the third wheel and neither Kerry or Deann seem to really give a crap.
Deann and Steve, the wiry haired pool boy who always covers his bald spot up with a bandanna, have been hanging out a lot. Deann obviously has feelings for him until she sees him out clubbing and hanging all over some other chick. Deann goes on to hang all over some random guy (lamest trick in the book) hoping it will make Steve jealous.
The show wraps up with Steve going the extra mile to ask Deann for her forgiveness. Even if I think he's a putz, what he did to impress her at the end of the show was really cool. It HAD to have totally been staged.
Last weeks episode:
Tonight's episode is all about Kerry and Jodie. Kerry heads to Nashville for a big meeting and Jodie wants out of the house. There will lots of drama, and most of it will be aimed at Jodie. Jodie and Joanna will bond, and surprisingly, Joanna will protect Jodie until the end..even when Jodie does something that shocks the house.
Watch tonight! 10pm/9c
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