Nobody Wants The Lauren Conrad/Jason Wahler Sex Tape

TMZ has learned that SugarDVD, a porn company, has decided that they don't want the sex tape featuring "The Hills" star Lauren Conrad and "Laguna Beach's" Jason Wahler -- because of the Wahler's "severely disappointing" behavior.

According to a TMZ source, the tape is severely disappointing as well. The tape is reportedly "very vanilla" with "no hard core sex." The source adds that LC and Jason are basically "messing around."

SugarDVD says they are retracting their previous offer of $500,000 for the tape because of Wahler's recent arrest in Seattle.

"We refuse to
support any person who feels that it is in any way acceptable to rattle off racial slurs and slanderous language about African-American people, homosexual people and the police department."

If you ask me SugarDVD are totally full of it. The tape must have been really lame otherwise they would have pursued it. Since when do they have morals?

You don't think they would cash in on a Mel Gibson sex tape?

Yeah, right!