Britney Spears' Dad Blames Spears For Her Own Problems

Britney Spears' father has decided he has something to say about his daughter's wild antics a few months ago.

He blames Britney for her problems and rehab stint, and says that she blames everyone else including her family and her manager for her problems when she needs to step up and take responsibility for her own actions.

Right on dad. Sounds good to me. No one was twisting Britney's arm when she hung out with rat whore-Hilton and flashed her snatch to photogs, or when she shaved her head.

Jamie (Daddy) Spears defended Britney's former manager in an email written to PageSix.

"When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done," Spears writes. "She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life.

"The Spears family would like to publicly apologize to Larry for our daughter's statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him."

Spears responded to PageSix about her father's remarks via her rep: "I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It's sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman's love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now."

Britney obviously doesn't really respond to her dad's remarks, rather she flings mud back at him and plays the sympathy card. Face it Britney, daddy is right. You were a total mess and it was your own doing. Now you're burning bridges. Not a smart thing to do.

You should have just responded by admitting what a trainwreck you were and that you've gotten stronger than your problems. But you chose to pull a Lohan and shun your dad then tell everyone what a dick he is.

It's the cool thing to do. Everyone's doing it.

Source: People Magazine