Changer Pendant

“She changes everything She touches, and everything She touches changes.” This quote by Starhawk accompanies the Changer Pendant by K Robins Designs and is an apt summary behind this sterling silver emblem’s meaning. The pendant figure sits serenely in a lotus-like pose with hands brought together over her heart. Her curves are fluid and rhythmic. Her demeanor is confident, compassionate, and accepting in the natural ways of forces that are beyond our control.

The Changer Pendant is only one of many meaningful designs offered by K Robins, who creates her art in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. The influence of nature on her art is evident in the organic and pure form each piece takes. Her jewelry and sculptures are each born into one of five symbolic categories—nature, Celtic lore, yoga and meditation, sacred symbols, and goddesses, mothers, and daughters—and the artist's mission is “to discover and create archetypal images and symbols that transcend the personal, resonate with the universal and soothe the soul.”

Expecting my first child this year and contemplating change, I realize that I do feel altered by the life force I welcomed into my life cautiously, knowing well that I cannot even pretend to imagine what’s in store for me. As I wait to be changed in a myriad of ways that this soon-to-be-mother cannot even fathom, the Changer Pendant encourages me to remain at peace with myself and my abilities to weather through the changes already taking place within my physical being.

Anyone can inhabit this symbolic image and sit peacefully within the chaotic whirl of changes about them. With the Changer Pendant, K Robins has accomplished her mission.

Review by Beverly Jenkins-Crockett