Grace your FACE OR BUTT with Red & White this holiday..The experience awaits. SGD 88.00 nett.

Inclusive a botox effect enhancing lift concealer BASE application for FACE only. Waterbased/Oilbased cosmetic body-paint application. Advance house call booking only. Cash Payment Only. +65 91080500 RED

Take A Hard Look

The poor bloke is in g-string.. no other thread... but the base of the painted jeans were attached with descontructed jeans and using body glue. Yes it is done in Singapore...

Special Effects Make Up

Need to scare off your other half for being a sleaze ball or perhaps simply want a date for Halloween..

Ultra Violet

If you want a surge of paranoia and pizzazz.. u can try.. but you need an ultra violet lightings too... and the best touch to it.. add some trance musics

Product Profilings

Now.. start ransacking your toiletteries and indulge yourself.. do yourself a favour, be a beautiful statue .... and perch your favourite things... and come to think of it.. how about a parrot too.


If you want to spice up your profile, take a peek at these..... and for those lovely couple who wants to wallow themselves in pool... eat your heart out baby...

Party Animals?

The best part of the job... enjoy the party!


These are meant for corporations to showcase their products during exhibitions, product launches, etc. etc...

More About Me... & My Self Potrait

This was done by myself.. only frontal shots... got a good friend to take the shots though...

Body Paint You Up

For years, i have been working on body-paint.... most of it commercial. Great money.. and definitely lotsa fun.

However, lately, i realise that i need to focus on my beautiful gay community instead of the big pie, i feel i have been neglecting them.

Now, this blog is served as an outlet for my beautiful bros who need an alternative elixir to perk up their profiles wherever possible. It doesnt matter if you are a hunk, bamboo, fat or top or whatever the physique or preference may be.

The thing is ... enhance your body with body-paint.. i work both on brushes and airbrush. Unlike other time consuming work like tattoos.. i am using a similar cosmetic body-paint that are used on Cirque Du Soleil.. etc etc. not cheap though.. hmm.. it depends on how much u want to lather youself with.. it could be a headshot, bod, leg, butt.. or simply douse yourself in gold paint.. the choice is yours.. It is water based so you can simply take a shower... unless you want an oil based paint that is water resilient ... good if you want to do a shot inside the pool, shower, monsoon drain, rain and ... have your c*m***.. READY! Eew.. i mean CAMERA... DUDE!.. CHILL OUT MAN! LOL.

One thing is you thing u can get away with poster paint think again... the paint cracks and you will be spotted with pimples the next day and mind u, most poster paints are toxic.. now figure yourself out.. hmm.. it is also harden your face... keh keh keh.. face masque anyone?

Another great thing, you can use your own digital camera that i can take your shot instead of investing on photographer. With years of experience, my angle is not too bad lah.. enough light and kewl set up.. that is all that i need. The painting can be done anywhere.. at home.(house call).. unless u wan to do outdoor or beach.. that requires some logistic.. you bear the cost, baby.

It may take anywhere from 1 hour to few hours depend on complexity of it. We can work on artwork on the spot or liaise through email where i can sketch some look... the latter option is better so that i can figure out the amount of paint and the colours needed.. I dont want to bring the whole shop in my LV...

Think out of the box, . get in tune to your inner wild self and explore. Be it tribal, metallic, fantasy.. or whatever it may be.. have fun.. It give you the additional boost and more hearts to your profile.

Now.. who needs a simple and boring profile if you can add some colours to your bod.. YUMMY!

Enough said.. any queries, juzz buzz me. Starts from S$88.00 for simple head shot or just a dollop of paint on your butt.. ok ok.. unless you want me to carve out 6 pecs! Your own camera, please.

Strictly for MEN, please.

For your appointment,

+65 91080500 RED

Lobster Mini Season

Watch out, it's time for Lobster Mini Season again. Craziness for lobsters takes over the entire island as locals and visitors take the first stab of the season at nabbing some lobsters. Hotels in Key West fill up, the city swells from its core of about 20,000 to a temporary whopping 40,000 and everybody brings a boat! It's like bumper cars out in Garrison Bight, only it's bumper boats. Divers beware, because in their excitement to get to the next rock and get a lobster or two or six, crazed boaters seem to forget normal safe boating practice. They drive too fast and too close to dive flags. It's a zoo out there!

Just to be clear, the lobsters we have in the Florida Keys are not the same as the ones from Maine. Our lobsters don't have the same giant meaty claw as the ones from up north. We call 'em the Florida spiny lobster and some call them bugs. The real spiny lobster season starts August 6 and goes until the end of March. The mini season is just two days and it's for non-commercial lobster divers only. During the regular season the big guys put out traps with bait for the lobsters. The mini season is for divers only. Scuba or freediving only. There is no such thing as recreationally trapping lobsters.

Lobster Mini-Season in the Florida Keys used to be on the weekend. So many people took to the waters on these days and basically mauled the lobster population that the season was moved to mid-week. Fewer people showed up but it's still a mob scene. They also made the limit only 6 lobsters per person per day in the Keys, while it's 12 in the rest of Florida. You also can't dive for lobster at night in the Florida Keys. The event gets some divers so excited they just can't wait and every year Marine enforcement officers catch people getting lobsters early, before the season.

How to Catch a Lobster

First of all, there are three kinds of spots where lobster like to hang out.
  1. The Reef

  2. Rock patches

  3. Ledges
The reef has lots of nooks underneath full of lobster, and it's easy to find so it's the most obvious place to get them. Rock patches are harder to locate since they can be anywhere and if you're not from Key West you won't have any clue where to find a good lobster rock that's not right on the reef. A ledge means anywhere like the edge of a field of sea grass, where it changes to sand. Sometimes there's a ledge under the sea grass bed, with lobster inside. Look for color changes in the shallow water where a ledge might exist next to a sand patch. Staking out your own spots is the best way to go but not everyone has this luxury.

If you're snorkeling for lobster, diving skills are a must. You have to be able to dive down to the bottom and see what's under a rock or a ledge. You also have to be able to stay underwater for a while so you have time to coax the lobster out and get him in your net.

Spearfishing for Beginners in Key West

Snorkeling on Key West's Middle Grounds, an area southwest of Key West, you can see the best of what a living coral reef has to offer, without diving down at all. There are purple fans, giant parrot fish, some sharks, zebra fish, porkfish, barracuda and tons of other types of reef fish. There are buoys for your boat, and a short swim towards the marker stick will take you to reef that's just a few feet below the surface. Easy! What's also kinda cool is that the Middle Grounds are not a Sanctuary Preservation Area, which means you can do a little fishing. For me, it was the perfect place to try my first time at spearfishing. It's not really sportsman-like to fish at a marked reef with buoys for snorkelers and divers, however. It's too easy and it bothers the swimmers. But for beginners at spearfishing, it's ok to do it just once.

With gun pointed out in front of you (don't forget to release the safety switch before you dive), swim fast at your target. Middle Grounds is a good place for beginner spearfishing because it's not deep and there are tons of fish. If your target escapes, there's probably another nearby. Bar jacks get big so they make nice targets. Plus, there's often a lot of them together so you get multiple targets. They swim right up to you sometimes, too. Perfect!

Don't forget to take a deep breath before you dive down. It's easy to get so excited about shooting the fish and thinking about how to manage the gun that you forget your diving techniques. Try and wait for the fish to turn sideways to your spearpoint. You want to try and shoot it right behind the gill plate. Get up as close as you can without scaring him away. 

I'm a beginner, and I'm a girl, so my gun is weak.  I shot my first fish on the backbone because I was too exicted to wait for him to swing sideways to me. If your gun is weak, what happens is if you shoot it in the back, you'll hit the bones like I did and your spear will probably bounce off.  That's only if your gun is really weak.  Try to make your gun as strong as possible without using accuracy.  If you power it up too much it will become less accurate.  The fish will jump and swim away so you might as well wait for a better shot next time. You can shoot them from the front, too, according to a poster I saw in a dive shop. Aim for just above the eye, I guess for the brain. Sideways seems much easier.  Best is to have enough power on your gun so that you can blast 'em in the spine.

Shark Fishing in a Flats Boat


Catching giant barracudas is a lot of fun, but it's just the beginning for shark fishing. If you think barracudas fight good, and I did when I first caught that big one from my last post, then you'll love how sharks fight.

Why barracudas as bait for sharks? If you've ever handled one out on a boat, you'll know why: They STINK! Very very smelly, terrible smell. Also, they are plentiful and they bite pretty easily, and there aren't any fishing regulations on them so you can catch a lot for tons of bait. You can even catch some for your next shark outing, and keep them in your freezer. The stink will reappear once they are thawed out. Barracudas aren't especially bloody like a bonito. They have white meat. It's mostly about the terrible smell and the abundance.

After we made our exciting catch that day, our first time out shark fishing, our guide drove us in his flats boat to Airport Flats, in front of Key Largo. The water was about five feet deep and the tide was going out. The guide made filets on either side of each fish, but didn't cut the pieces completely off the body. Then he hooked the cut up fish bodies on a hook and a very very long steel leader and threw it off the back of the boat. We just let them bleed out and stink up the water. Then we waited and waited forever. You have to be a little patient with shark fishing sometimes. We waited for over an hour.

But the wait was soooooooo worth it. First, we caught a nurse shark. We didn't know any better, so we were really excited. It was the biggest thing we'd ever seen at the time, but it was six feet long which makes it a medium sized shark. It felt gigantic on the line because we'd been fishing for pike in the Adirondacks. Compared to northern pike, even a nurse shark is a whale.

Then a monster bull shark showed up but he wouldn't eat any of the barracuda. Plus he kept all the smaller bull sharks that had shown up, away from the bait. Our guide solved this problem by catching a jack on a popper, then sending him out on a bobber. The jack swam out way behind the boat, beyond the barracuda bait, beyond the big bull shark. The big guy swam right up to and around the boat a few times. We stood on the bow and because the water was pretty shallow and clear, we could see him and how big he was.

Finally a bull shark hit the jack. He wasn't as big as the one at the boat, but he pulled like a train. My BF took the pole an hung on while the drag spun out. The shark pulled right out and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. The guide started the boat and left the pole sticking up in the mud while we took off to chase the bull. We chased him and BF pulled when he could, bearing down like crazy. we had to put a towel under the base of the pole so it didn't push into his skin too much.

BF fought and fought the bull for about 45 minutes. Did I mention this was on 20 lb line? Once it came up to the boat, came really close and he was able to reel in lots of line. We were excited but the shark had lots of energy left still. He got another spurt and attacked one of the trim tabs on the boat! Our guide flipped out and gunned the engine to get away from bull but he held on. Man! He finally let go but the guide had had it. He asked BF if maybe he wanted to rest for a minute, he'd take the pole. BF handed over the pole to rest for a bit, but oh dear suddenly the shark broke the line. What a coincidence! I guess having your trim tab chewed up by a bull shark isn't a great way to end the day. Sorry! But it was the greatest thrill EVER.

Cudas OK

I first came to the Florida Keys in Winter of 2002, so I'm relatively new to the whole Keys scene. My boyfriend and I both hate winters in upstate New York, so we started visiting here every chance we got. One winter season we came down three times, once we'd discovered sportfishing. I have to say that flying down to the Keys and going out fishing with a good charter fishing guide is one of the best vacations you could ever have. We went out with a variety of captains, both backcountry and offshore, and the first one we happened to find turned out to be one of the best. We found his business card in a tackle shop and next day bundled up and went out on his flats boat. It was freezing, but we had the time of our life on that gray day. Our guide later became one of our web design clients, and his family hosted us for a lobster dinner once when we came down on vacation. Really a nice time.

My boyfriend likes to get big fish, and of course when you're from the north, who can imagine anything more exciting than catching a shark. Our guide had a flats boat, so really the biggest fish he could promise us was a shark. The first step was to catch some bait: barracuda, which in itself sounded pretty dangerous and exciting. We did this by trolling some whistling lures- I dont' know what you call them- they are bright orange and pink skinny rubber tubes with hooks out one end. Supposedly they whistle in the water and attract the barracuda. We dragged the pretty lures through the water until the poles bent way down and something was on the hook. My BF grabbed the pole and hung on-wow! Then the other pole did the same thing and it was my turn. Man, it was tough and I thought maybe we'd caught a shark by trolling (I didn't know anything about how sharks hunt at at point, so I didn't know this was pretty much impossible). It felt so heavy and it was all I could do to hold onto the pole. How would I ever reel it in? We fought and it took me a while, but after a few minutes we both reeled in gigantic barracuda (or so the guide told us after he saw the fish...I had no idea what they looked like then, those early days of my fishing career).

I was pretty impressed with the barracuda fishing, and I remember thinking that was pretty exciting all by itself. Shark fishing must be amazing if this was just the bait. I was thrilled. Now, five years later and many many fishing trips later, I have learned that most fishermen (oops-anglers, I mean) regard the barracuda as something undesirable, not even really a fish worth catching, almost an embarrassment that it should happen to get hooked. Nobody eats them, although some guides tell me Cubans eat them. There's that ciguatera disease, which you can get from eating the larger cudas. Well, I don't need to eat them but I still love the barracuda. See how happy I was after catching my first big fish? You always remember your first with fondness, and that was my first (see picture). Plus, when you go snorkeling, they hang near you so you can study them up close, and they eye you and creep you out a little, if they're big. That's exciting, too. Sometimes we hate the cudas when they snatch our yellowtail as we reel them in, hoping for a snapper dinner. But we always laugh at their resourcefulness and the nerve they have, stealing our dinner, and really down deep, we respect the cuda. Cuda OK.